This 3-day online course broken up into 3 hours modules is for learners who will need to manage employees in their business place. It will give delegates a comprehensive portfolio of skills that will enable them to advise, initiate and chair disciplinary enquiries. Delegates will become subject matter experts on the implementation of discipline as a management tool. This course will provide delegates with a thorough understanding of the law and practice of dismissal.

CONTENT / OUTCOMES  (Know, Do & Feel)


  • What discipline is
  • The various approaches to handling discipline
  • The company policy and procedures on discipline
  • The code of good practice on dismissals
  • What substantive and procedural fairness is
  • The roles of the participants
  • The different values and laws of evidence
  • The generally accepted principles on discipline
  • The process of a disciplinary enquiry
  • The rights of the company and the employees in regard to discipline


  • Co-ordinate, initiate and chair a disciplinary enquiry
  • Present evidence in chief and cross question
  • Opening and closing statements
  • Investigate any disciplinary incidents
  • Write heads of argument
  • Structure a case for maximum success
  • Advise on disciplinary matters


  • Confident in advising on work place disciplinary matters and in initiating or chairing disciplinary enquiries.
  • Comfortable to Chair a Disciplinary Enquiry in a legally compliant manner



The Effective Disciplinary Skills course will assist in the development of the following competencies and professional skills: COMPETENCIES

Delivers through people-influencing skills- persuades directly- tries to persuade through logical argument in discussion and listens and interacts with others in an effective tactful way.

Delivers through people-influencing skills- uses multiple actions to persuade-think through all aspects of a presentation and how the different audience will receive it and thinks of alternate solutions which will be more likely to appeal to the audience

Achieves through integrity, teamwork and learning-self confident integrity- acts independently according to personal judgement or belief in presenting own work confidently.

Achieves through integrity, teamwork and learning-self confident integrity-strong self belief in that maintains a strong self belief even when others disagree, has courage to stand up for his or her convictions and speaks up confidently when in disagreement with others.

Possesses the intellectual power to determine direction-concern for rigour and order-attention to order and detail- follows procedures and protocol accurately, rigorously checks accuracy and keeps detailed and accurate records/ minutes of meetings.


Employee relations- develop employment policies - in understanding the business context and desired employee relations and ensuring the execution of policies and practices are consistent with legislation (BCEA) and advise employees on implications of employment legislation

Employee relations-Human resources legislation-keep abreast of changes and updates to key legislation

Employee relations-manage conflict-facilitating the appropriate ER climate, advise line learners  on the handling of breaches of discipline and ensuring consistency in the application of rules.

Employee relations-provide employee assistance - by providing individual advice/counselling